Invitation to Play

Supporting wholehearted teens using movement, nutrition, and life balance to heal and BECOME the best versions of themselves. Find tools to help teens engage with life and school based on the Pillars of Play.

Beth Jones

Frustrated in your progress towards your goal? Maybe your goals and your reality are out of alignment - you might need to adjust. Plus a ...

Beth Jones

As we get older, our movement needs change. I found the perfect combination in my Taekwondo classes, and you can too!

Beth Jones

Social media is a way for our tweens to connect with friends, but it's also increasing the cases of anxiety, depression & self-harm being ...

Beth Jones

Try these simple solutions to help combat test anxiety and academic overwhelm so many teens are experiencing. The key is using food and ...

Beth Jones

Often, the path to healing resides in our gut - both literally and figuratively. Learning to trust yourself can be the path back to play.

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